
Lerna 6: Obsolete Options

Nx and Lerna work together seamlessly in the same workspace.

When Lerna is running tasks with Nx and detects Nx target configuration, Lerna will respect this configuration during lerna run and delegate dependency detection to the Nx task runner.

Nx will run tasks in an order and with a concurrency that it determines appropriate based on the task graph that it creates. For more information, see Nx Mental Model: The Task Graph.

**This behavior allows Nx to run tasks in the most efficient way possible, but it also means that some existing options for lerna run become obsolete. **

Obsolete Options

--sort and --no-sort

When Nx targets are configured, Lerna will always run tasks in the order it deems is correct based on its knowledge of project and task dependencies, so --sort and --no-sort have no effect.


Lerna will use the task graph to determine which tasks can be run in parallel and do so automatically, so --parallel has no effect.


If you want to limit the concurrency of tasks, you can still use the concurrency global option to accomplish this.


Lerna 6 will automatically run dependent tasks first when necessary, so --include-dependencies is obsolete. However, the flag can still be used to include tasks that are not required (e.g., running the tests of all the dependent projects).


When used with Nx, --ignore will never cause lerna run to exclude any tasks that are deemed to be required task graph.


The effects on the options above will only apply if:

  1. nx.json exists in the root with the targetDefaults property defined.
  2. The "nx" property is found in the package.json of a target package.

Otherwise, they will behave just as they would with Lerna's legacy task runner (if useNx is false).